The great being, it rises from the seas. It's form, barely seen within the shadows and waves. It's tendrils cast foward, and it's hand outreached.
What choice do you have?
The great being, it rises from the seas. It's form, barely seen within the shadows and waves. It's tendrils cast foward, and it's hand outreached.
What choice do you have?
That's a stylized take on Hank. You did well mate :D
Appreciate it, man!!
That's a fun design, I'm curious what she usually does to have such specialized equipment.
Your passion truly shows. You really tried to capture ever inch of detail, it's bloody awesome.
Thank you a lot !
Holy. What inspired the name?
EDIT: Oh it was actually first inspired by THE Cervantes. (Soul Cailbur's one)
See, the sword looked like one of his, but he always duel wielded his so I thought maybe I was overthinking it. The other inspiration is pretty cool too.
You know, given how on theme this sword is, did you ever consider doing Inferno? (Inferno's the first depiction of the "Demon" of Soul Edge itself. It was a flaming skeletal being. Before it basically began Nightmare. Hence why the burning magma sword is so fitting.)
The original appearance is still the coolest of the inferno designs.
There's this really old game series called "Soul calibur",
and in that game, there's a character named Cervantes who's this evil pirate guy. I liked his name, so I named the blade partially after him, but gave it a full Spanish name which is translated to Cervantes' rage based on a irl writer named
Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra.
When I can't think up names, I basically look around at random stuff like that to make one.
This one's a banger.
I'd be curious to see your take on Mega Satan, or one of the other bosses in Isaac.
Dogma's one I really enjoy.
That's a pretty solid looking storm of flame.
Merry Christmas mate
And a happy new year!
Weapon? I suppose. Either way, I like the ax right here. Could be more dynamic and intense but it's a nice little piece.
A man chasing a star in the sky. Chase your dreams, even if you set aflame for them. Because they are what fuel your heart.
Age 26, Male
Thorne Lead Dev. And
The Sun
Joined on 5/29/19